Lets talk about the ancient world and especially “Engineering in the Ancient World” through a book named as same as the topic which I have read recently which have enlightened me about some topics especially hydraulic engineering.
Especially the topic “Water supplies and engineering” was my favorite as it answered many questions in my mind about engineering in ancient times. For example the explanation of how they bored water tunnels from different locations and connecting each nearly without any mistakes.

The technical level of the book is good not getting into the detailed calculations which is not needed on my point of view but could be technical for whom have limited technical knowledge. The book Engineering in the Ancient World also serves as a valuable reference tool. Also there are illustrations that make the book easy to read.
As a result book is a good example through the history of technology books which I definitely suggest. Also thanks to the writer John Gray Landels for such work.
Topics included;
- Power and energy sources
- Water supplies and engineering (My fav. topic in this book)
- Water pumps
- Cranes and hoists
- Catapults
- Ships and sea transport
- Land transport
- The principal Greek and Roman writers on technological subjects.
- Hero of Alexandria
- Vitruvius (Also my favorite writer among listed)
- Frontinus
- Pliny
For reading / preview John Gray Landels’, Engineering in the Ancient World book through Google ebooks please click here and buy online click here.
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